Let me decide for myself

Very often I have  to decide what image is the one I want to keep.  I don’t need two or three, which would make the things much easier. Only one. “He who has a choice, has a torment”.

It helps when I know exactly what the image will be used for.  Below, there are two photographs of the same swan – the cropped one is a header image. That is easy.



Sometimes I have two things that I have to choose between, and neither of them is good. It is like you have to choose what house you have to move in, and these are your only options:



Choosing between two imperfect things is a difficult choice most of voters have to deal with…

In modern society, The Media tells people how to live and what to think. Many of those who imagine themselves free, independent and having their own opinion, are in fact tied up with the choices someone else has made for them. If it is not enough, they are also helpfully provided with the motivations for these choices. You just have no choice but accept ‘your’ choice, so to speak, remaining disillusioned and unaware. It is not the way choice operates. At the very least, people have to use their own knowledge, experience and intuition, and exercise judging, selecting and rejecting before they call the choice ‘theirs’. No cheating.

Recently I came across a quote. American comedian Sandra Bernhard said the following: ‘I am very much a humanist. I am very much pro-choice. I am very much politically correct”.

I hope she was joking.

Power of choice is one of the most important principles in our life. Freedom of choice is one of the most important values in society. Pro-choice (the same as pro-life, if you wondered) labels are just what they are – the labels, and one of their purposes is to divide society. Why would you want anything that divides your nation?

I am not finished with Sandra Bernhard yet.

I beg you to never be ‘politically correct’! Please, if you are not naturally kind, caring, cultured; if you are tactless, if you often have a cause to regret your words and justify yourself – don’t be discouraged, and don’t replace all of this with the ‘politically-correct’ label on your sleeve. Make your own choice to become a genuinely better person, not a properly labeled hypocrite.

And again, if you wondered, I am too far from being that ideal person, but I rather die trying to become one, than humiliate another fellow human by being ‘politically correct’ towards him or her.

“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” 
Warren W Wiersbe

Please, don’t demand ‘political correctness’. You are manipulated without knowing that. Stick to the good people, earn respect, have your goals to focus on. People might try to offend you now and then, but that happens with all of us, no exceptions, because it is what some people choose to do.

Here is a quote to those who are difficult to deal with.

“He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.”
Brigham Young

Each of us has been that fool at least once 😉

And the third quote is

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
Marcus Aurelius

These three quotes mean that my blogging friend Sarah at  Sarah Potter Writes has nominated me for 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge 🙂 Thank you so much, Sarah! Hope you don’t mind that I wrote only one blog post instead of three.

The rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Post one fresh quotation on three consecutive days.
  3. On each of the three days, nominate three folk who have not yet taken part to continue the challenge.

Sarah Potter is a fantasy and science fiction author – and much much more. Please, visit and follow Sarah’s blog.

There are my nominees. Don’t feel obliged 🙂










Hope you greet these bloggers like the pirates from De Stormvogels, Holland, greeted me 🙂

de stormvogels

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Wow, these photos are sublime! Please keep posting them. Your narrative provides so much food for thought–thank you!

    Steve S

  2. Although I don’t agree, I respect your opinion! Politically correct means that you don’t say words that hurt people who are differently-abled. You don’t go around spouting out at the mouth with no regard for whom it may hurt.
    Of course, my last post says the opposite of that! Oh, well! 😉 ❤
    Peace, love & sensitivity toward others,
    Sherrie Miranda's historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

  3. Thank you for following me and I love how creative you are and the wonderful posts. I’ll be back to read more of it!!

  4. A very thoughtful post and shows another side of you. Good lessons for all of us to be genuine. I too get tired of so much PC but do want to be kind and respectful of others. Good quotes!

    1. Exactly! Not because we are scared into being respectful 🙂
      My maternal grandfather and my paternal great grandfather were murdered for being themselves. Our ancestral estate had never been returned to us. Am I bitter? Do I feel that the descendants of the murderers own me something? Of course not! I live today, and I care of today’s matters. Yet, some people cannot see who are their ‘real enemies’ ( Hunger Games).

  5. Great pictures as always, and the political correctness has run amok in society! I’m afraid to sneeze anymore with out upsetting somebody!

    1. Thank you for your comment! People often forget that it is impossible to be alive and never get upset by someone. Instead of focusing on unrealistic expectations, why not to focus on personal goals and opportunities? It makes more sense, it is healthier, and it is our own choice 🙂

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