Day: September 30, 2014


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Living by the river I took pictures of birds and plants.  Living in town I walk the streets and find patterns.

While looking for the patterns my mind somehow shifted to the human behavioral patterns we come across every day, and I thought about constructive and destructive patterns in human interactions.  Not being a specialist in human ethology I was simply wondering  ” why the hell they keep doing that?”

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I love the definition of Culture as a range of learned behavior patterns. I am a “nurture” person all the way, and a believer in education.  Not because humans can be taught, but rather because they can learn. If they choose so. No one can change a person, as we well know, but every person can shape themselves, re-build, re-configure – call it the way you like. Every person can learn the patterns and beyond. They can break the patterns they have outgrown.

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A couple of days ago a lady I know said that we can change the others with our love.  I disagreed. There are loving parents who love all their children equally, but somehow one of them ends up in jail.  What is it? Following bad patterns?

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Love does change people, though. If you love unconditionally,  YOU are the one who changes.

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A few more shots  and I am walking home. Most of us follow this pattern 🙂

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And now a fantastic guitar solo for you.  Lines in the Sand! Another pattern, the last for today 🙂

Photography tip of the day:  How to make a pin hole camera Have a great week!