Roly Poly


I wonder, what do you think looking at this picture?  Probably “Sweet little girl is watching a hot air balloon fly by”? Wrong.  The sweet little girl is actually screening the ground for roly polies. She is very good on that.

When we are young, we want to know more about the world. We look in the heart of things and people seeking to recognize what they actually are; we thirst for detail. Eventually, we learn that things and people are seldom what they seem – still, we wonder.

Rob ThomasLittle Wonder


We notice and acknowledge big things, but it is the little things that hold our attention and feed our curiosity. Cognition and learning depend on our perception of little things.

Everybody has their own roly polies. Hope they are not worthless, mundane and selfish. Hope they are striking and very alive.

PS:  Roly Poly Armadillidium vulgare

IneseMjPhotographyHave a wonderful weekend!


  1. This is great…as a small child, my nephew was known as the Roly Poly hunter. When he was a kid, as he would walk into the house with a handful of them which answered the question of “what is he doing out there?!?” Yes, things in photos often are not what they seem.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! It is fun how a tiny bug can be more important for a child than a hot air balloon that she has actually never seen before. I can imagine your nephew all excited about his collection of wild Roly Polies 🙂 Their Latin name – Armadillidium – reflects their looks 🙂

  2. The picture of your granddaughter is lovely. The little girl is so intent on finding those roly poiies (which we call woodlice over here – which doesn’t sound nearly as nice). Lots of kiddies are fascinated by insects, as well as bigger animals, of course. I used to collect caterpillars by the dozen when I was quite young – just the furry ones.:) Your explanation regarding our fascination with, and perception of, little things is very interesting, Inese, The music is really nice, too, and the clip from the film/movie. Really nice post. 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂 I have noticed that little children rather focus on small objects. They might admire a huge doll, but actually play with the smallest ones. May be it is because children learn the most when they use their fingers. There is a strong connection between fingertips and brain.

      1. Yes, I tink you’re right. The larger toys seem to just sit in corners like ornaments. I remember that happening with my six very well. I agree about the fingertips and brain connection, too.

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